Icon - Social value as part of procurement and PSR.svgSocial value in procurement involves considering a broader range of factors beyond cost, such as the positive social, economic, and environmental impacts that a project or purchase can have on the community. For Central and North West London, it is about thinking how the purchases that we make can benefit society—like supporting local businesses, creating jobs, or promoting sustainability.

It is really important that we use every opportunity that we can to bring about additional benefits that improve the wellbeing and lives of our communities.

In May 2024, a Young Person’s Sanctuary opened at Milton Keynes CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services), to provide crisis services for young people in need of mental health support. CAMHS are working in collaboration with the mental health charity, Mind BLMK (Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes), to offer advice and help for anyone aged between 14 to 17 years.

The Sanctuary is a safe, non-judgemental space that young people can drop in if they find themselves in crisis or mental distress in the evenings. They don't need to call or book an appointment beforehand.  A trained youth mental health worker will listen and help them identify ways to address the problems they are facing and the teams will also be able to refer and signpost to other services if required.

For more information about the Young Person’s Sanctuary in Milton Keynes, please visit Young Person’s Sanctuary Milton Keynes - Mind BLMK.