We are constantly developing our organisation to provide modern, dependable services that meet the needs of the people within the communities that we serve.

  • CNWL takes on two new addictions services, the East of England Gambling Service and Breathe Stop Smoking Service.
  • Health and Justice services join the healthcare team at Oasis Restore Secure School, England’s first secure school academy.
  • Adult Autism Diagnostic Service launches in Brent, Harrow and Hillingdon.
  • Arc Day Programme opens, a new community eating disorder service.

  • Mental health services expand to relieve winter pressures. Mental Health Crisis Assessment Service (MHCAS) opens at St Charles Hospital, the Retreat opens in Hillingdon and The Lighthouse opens at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington.
  • Health and Justice services expanded to include primary care provision at HMP Bronzefield and PIPE (Psychologically Informed Planned Environment) in HMP High Down.
  • A Virtual Ward service focused on frailty and respiratory patients launched in Milton Keynes.

  • The Primary Care and Substance Misuse Services join CNWL’s Health and Wellbeing Team at YOI Cookham Wood.
  • Liaison and Diversion Services expand into Harrow Crown Court.
  • CNWL was awarded Harrow Children’s Services.
  • The Addictions Recovery Day Programme is introduced in HMP Woodhill, ARC Milton Keynes, Hillingdon and Hounslow.

CNWL starts work with partners to deliver Integrated Care System priorities in every ‘place’

CNWL takes on a new addictions service in Milton Keynes and the health service at HMYOI Feltham

CNWL opens first London unit for young people with a learning disability

CNWL expand community services in Camden

New integrated health and social care service in Ealing

CNWL opens gaming clinic

New combined health visiting and school nursing service for 0-19 year olds launched

CNWL opens Lavender Walk, a new mental health unit for children

New 24 hour nursing service is a life line for people in Hillingdon launched called Your Life Line

New HIV services launched in Surrey

New sexual health services launched in boroughs of Haringey and Barnet

New 3 Borough community sexual health services launched

CNWL Quality Improvement launched

All of our acute services went Smoke-free. The three borough Community Independence Service (CIS) joined the Trust. Health and Wellbeing strategy launched for staff

Single Point of Access Launched, providing 24/7 mental crisis support

The Homelessness Prevention Initiative (HPI) launched by the Joint Homeslessness Team.

CNWL is restructured into Divisions, to support flexibility and greater localism.

CNWL integrates Milton Keynes Community Health Services in April 2013.

The Trust is awarded a new contract to provide the mental health in-reach service at HMP Bronzefield, a women-only prison located in Ashford, Middlesex. CNWL is awarded the contract to provide physical and mental health services in Milton Keynes.

CNWL integrates with Hillingdon Community Health in January 2011 and Camden Provider Services in April 2011.

The Trust is awarded a contract to provide a full healthcare service (primary care, mental health and substance misuse services) to HMP Wormwood Scrubs, HMP Holloway and HMYOI Feltham. Read more about prison services

The Trust is awarded Foundation Trust status and becomes Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. Hillingdon Child, Family and Adolescent Consultation Service (a child and adolescent mental health service) joins the Trust.

Central and North West London NHS Mental Health Trust is formed following a merger of following organisations:

  • Brent, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Mental Health NHS Trust,
  • Harrow and Hillingdon Healthcare Trust, and
  • the substance misuse service component of Hounslow which was previously provided by Hounslow and Spelthorne Community and Mental Health NHS Trust.