The people in our organisation are one of our most valuable assets. It's the people who provide care, develop relationships and make important decisions.

The board of directors is responsible for the strategy and and operation of the Trust. It is made up of both executive directors and non-executive directors who have different roles and responsibilities but who work together to set the overall direction of the organisation and to scrutinise and challenge processes. Read the board of directors' profiles 

The Trust has six borough directors who are responsible for local delivery of care. They work with the divisional directors and clinical leads to ensure our services meet the needs of local people. Read the borough directors' profiles 

Our services are run by three divisional directors, managed by the Chief Operating Officer. Each divisional director is in charge of individual boroughs/areas as well as of specific services. Each division has a divisional medical director and divisional nursing director. Read the divisional directors' profiles 

In May 2007, CNWL became a foundation trust. This was an exciting change as foundation trusts have greater independence to develop services in line with the needs of the local community and have more control over financial management. We are also able to involve local communities and our staff in decisions we take to provide the most suitable services. We involve communities and staff through the Council of Governors, which is chaired by the Chairman and is made up of elected and appointed governors to represent the local population. The Council of Governors is not involved in operational matters, but plays a key role in deciding the strategic direction and development of the Trust. Anyone can become a member of the Trust and can attend the quarterly Council of Governors meetings and feed back their views through their local governor. Find out more about the governors