Acupuncture Policy - Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment Form.pdf |
Acupuncture Policy.pdf |
Administration_of_Electro-Convulsive_Therapy_ECT_Policy.pdf |
Admission of a Young Person under 18 years to an Adult Acute Psychiatry Ward Policy.pdf |
Admission of a Young Person under 18-years to an Adult Acute Psychiatric Ward Policy - SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.pdf |
Advance Care Planning Policy.pdf |
Advanced Clinical Practice Policy.pdf |
Agenda for Change (AfC) Job Evaluation and Matching Policy.pdf |
Alcohol_and_Substance_Misuse_policy.pdf |
All Age Single Point of Access Operational Policy.pdf |
Allegations against persons who work with children.pdf |
Annual Leave Policy.pdf |
Anti-Fraud Policy.pdf |
Antimicrobial Stewardship Policy 2024-2028 - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Antimicrobial_Stewardship_Policy.pdf |
Appeals_Policy.pdf |
Appendices for PSIR Policy.pdf |
Apprenticeship Policy.pdf |
Asbestos_Policy.pdf |
Aseptic_non_touch_tecnique_policy.pdf |
Assessment and Management of Bowel Dysfunction Policy (Adults) EIA Form.pdf |
Assessment and Management of Bowel Dysfunction Policy.pdf |
Assurance_and_Escalation_Policy.pdf |
Attendance Management Policy.pdf |
Bed Management Policy.pdf |
Blanket Restrictions Policy.pdf |
Body_Fluid_Spillages_Policy.pdf |
Bullying and Harassment Policy.pdf |
Capability Policy - Performance Targets Met TEMPLATE LETTER.docx |
Capability Policy - Stage 1 Invite to Formal Capability Meeting TEMPLATE LETTER.doc |
Capability Policy - Stage 2 Formal Performance Improvement Meeting TEMPLATE LETTER.doc |
Capability Policy - Stage 3 Invite to Capability Hearing TEMPLATE LETTER.doc |
Capability Policy - Stage 3 Outcome of Capability Hearing - Dismissal TEMPLATE LETTER.doc |
Capability Policy - Stage 3 Outcome of Capability Hearing - Other than Dismissal TEMPLATE LETTER.doc |
Capability_Policy.pdf |
Care Programme Approach Policy.pdf |
Care_Records_Policy_and_Strategy |
Care_Records_Standards_March |
Career Break Guidance.pdf |
Category_and_Subcategory_Guidance_Medication_Specific.pdf |
Central_alerting_system_CAS_procedure.pdf |
Change_Management_Policy.pdf |
Chaperone_Policy.pdf |
Children Visiting Mental Health Patients (Detained and Informal) Policy.pdf |
Children_and_young_people_not_brought_to_healthcare_appointments_policy.pdf |
Claims_Handling_Policy.pdf |
Cleaning_Policy.pdf |
Clinical Handover_Policy.pdf |
Clinical Risk Assessment and Safety Planning Policy.pdf |
Clinical_RIsk_Assessment_and_Safety_Management_policy |
Clinical_Trials_Policy.pdf |
Clostridium_Difficile_Policy.pdf |
CNWL Patient Safety Incident Response Plan.pdf |
Collection and Management of microbiological specimens.pdf |
Community_Treatment_Orders_Policy.pdf |
Compassionate Care After Death Policy.pdf |
Complaints_Compliments_and_Concerns_Procedure.pdf |
Conduct Capability Ill Health Appeals Policies Procedures Medical Staff.pdf |
Conduct of Medical_Reps_Policy |
Conflicts of Interest policy.pdf |
Consent to care and treatment policy.pdf |
Control of Substances Hazardous Health (COSHH) policy.pdf |
Control_of_Contractors_Policy |
Controlled Drugs Policy - Supplementary Information 2023-2028.pdf |
Controlled Drugs Policy.pdf |
Copying_Letters_to_Patients_Policy.pdf |
Corporate__Records_Management_Policy.pdf |
Corporate_Local_Induction_Policy.pdf |
Covert_Administration_of_Medicines_Policy.pdf |
Creutzfeld Jacob Disease CJD Policy.pdf |
Data Protection Data Sharing and Consent Policy.pdf |
Data_Quality_Policy.pdf |
Decontamination_of_Reusable_Medical_Devices_Policy.pdf |
Delegation_Policy.pdf |
DIALOG+ and Care Planning Policy.pdf |
Dignity_Privacy_Same_Sex_Accommodation_Policy.pdf |
Disability Policy (Service Delivery).pdf |
Discharge and Transfer of Patients Policy.pdf |
Disciplinary Policy.pdf |
Disclosure_and_Barring_Service_Policy.pdf |
Display Screen Equipment policy.pdf |
Do not attempt to resuscitate policy.pdf |
DOLS_Policy.pdf |
Domestic Abuse Policy and Guidance.pdf |
Dress_Code_policy.pdf |
Duty of Candour Policy.pdf |
Duty_of_Candour_Policy_2024-2029.pdf |
Ectoparasite_Policy.pdf |
Electrical Safety Policy.pdf |
Email Use Policy 2024-2029.pdf |
Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) Policy.pdf |
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy including Equality Impact Assessments.pdf |
Equality Impact Assessment - Non-Medical Prescribing Policy.pdf |
Equality_Diversity_and_Human_Rights_Policy_Employment.pdf |
Escalation_Protocol_Patients_Waiting_Admission.pdf |
Escort and Conveyance Policy.pdf |
Expected Standards of Behaviour at Work Policy.pdf |
Faith and Spiritual Support Policy.pdf |
Fire Safety Management Strategy.pdf |
First-Aid-Policy.pdf |
Fit and Proper Person Test Policy.pdf |
Fitness Instructor CNWL Policy.pdf |
Flexible Retirement Policy.pdf |
Flexible Working Policy.pdf |
Food_Hygiene_and_Handling_Policy.pdf |
Freedom of Information Act Policy.pdf |
Gender_Requests_Policy.pdf |
Grievance and Resolution Policy.pdf |
Guidelines_For_Public_Consultation.pdf |
Hand_Hygiene_Policy.pdf |
Have_Your_Say_Event_Guidance.pdf |
HBPoS POLICY 2018 - Section 135(1) and 136 Mental Health Act 1983.pdf |
Head Banging Policy - Equality Human Rights and Privacy Impact Assessment.pdf |
Head Banging Policy.pdf |
Health and Safety Policy.pdf |
High_Dose_Antipsychotic_Policy.pdf |
Identification of Patients Policy.pdf |
Inclement_Weather_Procedure.pdf |
Information_Security_Policies.pdf |
Internet Use Policy.pdf |
Interpreting Policy.pdf |
Intravenous (IV) Therapy Policy - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Intravenous_IV_Therapy_Policy.pdf |
Investigation Policy.pdf |
Invite to Flexible Working appeal meeting template.docx |
Isolation and Communicable Diseases Policy |
Job Planning Policy.pdf |
KSF_Gateway_Policy.pdf |
Leave for Informal Mental Health Learning Disability Inpatient Policy.pdf |
Lift_Policy |
Local_Registration_Authority_Policy.pdf |
Lone Worker Policy |
Long Term Segregation Policy.pdf |
Lower Limb Leg Ulcer Policy.pdf |
Maintaining Staff Health and Wellbeing Policy.pdf |
Management of Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Difficulties (Dysphagia) Policy |
Management of Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Difficulties (Dysphagia) Policy - Supplementary Information |
Management of Hazardous Group 4 |
Management of Measles Mumps Rubella.pdf |
Management of Measles Mumps and Rubella Policy - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Management of Point of Care Test Devices Policy.pdf |
Management_Laundry_Linen_Policy.pdf |
Management_of_Alcohol_Intoxicated_Patients_Policy.pdf |
Management_of_Reusable_Medical_Devices_Policy.pdf |
Management_of_Toys_Policy.pdf |
Manual_Handling_Policy.pdf |
Maternity, Adoption, Shared Parental, Maternity Support (Paternity) and Surrogacy Leave Policy - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Maternity, Adoption, Shared Parental, Maternity Support (Paternity) and Surrogacy Leave Policy FAQs.pdf |
Maternity, Adoption, Shared Parental, Maternity Support (Paternity) and Surrogacy Leave Policy.pdf |
Media_Policy.pdf |
Medical_Appraisal_Policy.pdf |
Medicines_Policy.pdf |
Medicines_reconciliation_procedure_SOP.pdf |
Mental Health Crisis Assessment Service (MHCAS) Operational Policy.pdf |
Mental_Capacity_Act_Policy.pdf |
MH and LD Patients who Require Care in an Acute Hospital Policy.pdf |
Missing Informal Mental Health and Learning Disability Inpatients Policy.pdf |
MRSA_Policy.pdf |
Multi_Drug_Resistant_Gram_Negative_Bacteria_Policy.pdf |
Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel Arrangements (MAPPA) Policy.pdf |
Multi-Disciplinary Preceptorship Framework Policy 2023-2028a.pdf |
Multi-Professional Approved Clinician (MPAC) Selection and Training Policy - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Multi-Professional Approved Clinician (MPAC) Selection and Training Policy 2024-2029.pdf |
Nasogastric_Tube_Insertion_and_Management_Policy.pdf |
National Data Opt-out Policy.pdf |
New Starter Engagement Policy.pdf |
NICE Policy 2022-2027 - Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment.pdf |
Nice_Policy.pdf |
Non-Medical_Prescribing_Policy.pdf |
Notification_of_Communicable_Diseases_Policy.pdf |
Nutrition_and_Hydration_Policy.pdf |
Observation and Therapeutic Engagement Policy |
Occupational Dermatitis Policy.pdf |
On Call Policy for Mental Health and Community Health Services 2023-2026.pdf |
Outbreak Management Policy 2024-2029 - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Outbreak__Management_policies.pdf |
Outcome of Flexible Working Appeal meeting template.docx |
Outcome of Flexible Working request meeting template.docx |
Overpayments Policy.pdf |
Pandemic_Incident_People_Policy.pdf |
Patient Safety Incident Response Policy and Procedure.pdf |
Patient_Group_Directions_Policy.pdf |
Patients who decline treatment and or care and disengage with services equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment Form.pdf |
Patients who decline treatment and or care and disengage with services Policy.pdf |
Pay Protection Policy.pdf |
Peer_Support_Supervision_Policy.pdf |
Personal_Alarms_Policy.pdf |
Personal_Protective_Equipment_Policy.pdf |
Pest Control Policy.pdf |
Pharmacy Clinical trials policy.pdf |
PICU Operational Policy.pdf |
Policy and Protocol for the use of the BD Bodyguard T Syringe Pump for Children and Adults requiring Palliative Care EIA Form.pdf |
Policy and Protocol for the use of the BD Bodyguard T Syringe Pump for Children and Adults requiring Palliative Care.pdf |
Policy_on_Policies.pdf |
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Policy.pdf |
Pressure Ulcer Prevention Management Policy.pdf |
Prevention_and_management_of_falls_patients_policy.pdf |
Private and Lease Car Policy.pdf |
Procedure_for_adoption_of_new_techniques.pdf |
Process_Pre-Reg_Nursing_Students_Raise_Concerns_Joint_Investigation_Procedure.pdf |
Processing Special Category Data - Appropriate Policy.pdf |
Procurement_of_Goods_and_Services_Policy.pdf |
Producing_Patient_Information_Leaflets_Policy.docx |
Professional Registration Policy.pdf |
Protection_of_HCW_and_Patients_from_Communicable_Diseases_Policy.pdf |
Protection-of-health-care-wokrers-and-patients-from-occupationally-or-transmitted-communicable-diseases.pdf |
Pseudonymisation (De-identification) Policy |
QI_newsletter_March2020.pdf |
Recognition_and_management_of_deteriorating_patients_policy.pdf |
Recruitment and Selection Policy.pdf |
Registered Nursing Associate Scope of Practice Policy 2023-2028.pdf |
Relationships at Work.pdf |
Responding to and learning from deaths policy.pdf |
Resuscitation (CPR) Policy - SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.pdf |
Resuscitation (CPR) Policy.pdf |
Retaking_an_AWOL_patient_from_locked__private_premises.pdf |
Risk_Management_Strategy_and_Policy.pdf |
Rostering_Policy.pdf |
Safe and Secure Storage of Suspected Illicit Substances Policy.pdf |
Safe Haven Protocols (Secure Communications Protocols).pdf |
Safe Use and Disposal of Sharps policy.pdf |
Safe Use Bed Rails and grab handles Policy.pdf |
Safe Use of Bed Rails and Grab Handles Policy - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Safeguarding_adults_at_risk_policy.pdf |
Safeguarding_Adults_for_Sexual_Health_Services.pdf |
Safeguarding_Children_Young_People_Policy.pdf |
Safer Staffing Policy - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Safer Staffing Policy.pdf |
Search_Policy.pdf |
Seclusion_Policy.pdf |
Secondment_Policy.docx.pdf |
Section 132 Information_For_Detained_Patients_Policy.pdf |
Section 140 (Mental Health Act ) Policy.pdf |
Section 18 and 21 Patients Absent Without Leave Policy.pdf |
Section 5(4) Nurses Holding Power Policy.pdf |
Section_117_Aftercare_policy.pdf |
Section_1351_and_136_Mental_Health_Act_1983.pdf |
Section_17_Leave_Policy.pdf |
Section_3_Assessments_of_Patients_Held_Under_Section_2_Policy.pdf |
Section_52_Doctors_and_Approved_Clinicians_Holding_Power_Policy.pdf |
Security Policy.pdf |
Sexual_Safety_Policy.pdf |
Slips_Trips_Policy.pdf |
Smoke_free_policy.pdf |
Smoke-Free Policy 2024-2029 - SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.pdf |
Social_Media_Policy.pdf |
Special Leave Policy.pdf |
Special Schools Medicines Policy.pdf |
Special_Leave_policy.pdf |
Specimen_Management_Policy.pdf |
Staff_appraisal_and_supervision_pack.pdf |
Standard_Precautions_Policy.pdf |
Standing_Financial_Instructions.pdf |
Statutory and Mandatory Training Policy.pdf |
Stress Prevention Management in the Workplace Policy.pdf |
Substance Use in Mental Health Policy.pdf |
Summary_Access_Records_policy.pdf |
Supervision and Continuing Professional Development of Occupational Therapy Staff Policy.pdf |
Supervision_all_staff_policy.pdf |
Supply_Medication_Overseas_Travel_Guidelines |
Supply_Storage_Prescribing_Administration_Medical_Gases_Policy.pdf |
Supporting Transgender Service Users Policy.pdf |
Template_for_Escalation_Strategy_Appendix_B_from_Deteriorating_Patient_Policy.docx |
Template_for_Escalation_Strategy_Appendix_B_from_Deteriorating_Patient_Policy.docx |
Transcribing Policy 2024-2029 - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Transcribing Policy.pdf |
Transgender Staff Policy.pdf |
Transition_Policy_CAMHS_Adult_Services.pdf |
Treatment and Compulsory Treatment - Legal Restrictions Policy.pdf |
Trust_Code_of_Conduct.docx |
Trustwide_in-patient_staff_smoke_free_prep_pack.pdf |
Tuberculosis_TB_Policy.pdf |
Uniform_Workwear_Policy.pdf |
Unlicensed_Medicines_Policy.pdf |
Unpaid_Parental_Leave_Policy.pdf |
Urinary_Catheter_Policy.pdf |
Use of Force - Prevention and Therapeutic Management of Violence and Aggression Policy.pdf |
Use of the Pan-London Symptom Control Medication Authorisation and Administration Record (MAAR) Chart for subcutaneous and intramuscular medication in the community setting Policy.pdf |
Use of Trust Phone and Mobile Phone Systems for Communicating with Patients, their Families and Carers Policy |
Use of Trust Phone and Mobile Phone Systems for Communicating with Patients, their Families and Carers Policy 2023-2028 - Supplementary Information.pdf |
Use_Mobile_Phone_Other_Communication_Photographic_Devices_Policy.pdf |
Varicella_Zoster_Virus_Management_Policy.pdf |
Venepuncture_Policy.pdf |
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Policy for In-Patients Over 16 Years EIA Form.pdf |
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Policy for In-Patients Over 16 Years.pdf |
Volunteer_Policy.pdf |
Voting_Rights_for_Service_Users_Policy.pdf |
Waste_Management_Policy |
Water Management Policy |
Websites_Policy.pdf |
Whistle_Blowing_Policy.pdf |
Working_at_height_steps_and_ladders_policy.pdf |
Workplace Risk Assessment Policy.pdf |
Young_People_Policy.pdf |
Zero_Tolerance_Policy.pdf |