Our vision and values underpin everything we do.
Wellbeing for life: We work in partnership with all who use our services to improve health and wellbeing. Together we look at ways of improving an individual’s quality of life, through high quality healthcare and personal support.
Compassion: Our staff will be led by compassion and embody the values of care outlined in our Staff Charter.
Respect: We will respect and value the diversity of our patients, service users and staff, to create a respectful and inclusive environment, which recognises the uniqueness of each individual.
Empowerment: We will involve, inform and empower our patients, service users, carers and their families to take an active role in the management of their illness and adopt recovery principles. We will ensure our staff receive appropriate direction and support, to enable them to develop and grow.
Partnership: We will work closely with our many partners to ensure that our combined efforts are focused on achieving the best possible outcomes for the people we serve.
Our vision and values are underpinned by our strategic objectives:
- To develop our approach to quality improvement and quality assurance
- To redesign/transform care pathways and reduce unwarranted variation
- To improve patient and carer involvement.
- To improve staff engagement
- To improve recruitment and retention and redesign roles as appropriate.
- To achieve the required savings and ensure value for the money we spend
- To simplify and standardise corporate support services.
- To take full part in system wide planning partnerships and new organisational models
- To develop and grow sustainable services.