Crystal Meth, Tina

  • Crystal meth can come in powder or crystals. It is usually white and might smell of urine.

  • Crystal can be swallowed or rubbed into the gums, snorted, put into the anus, injected, or smoked (ice), with effects lasting several days.

  • Intense rush, euphoria, exhilaration, increased energy, decreased appetite, heightened sex drive (libido), increased confidence, more sociable.

  • Short-term physical effects of increased blood pressure, sweating, raised temperature, dilated pupils, dry mouth. Sometimes jaw clenching and teeth grinding 
  • Short-term psychological effects can include agitation, paranoia, chest pain, nausea\vomiting, anxiety.
  • Withdrawal effects include restless anxiety, irritability, fatigue, dysphoria, aggression, paranoia, insomnia and strong cravings.
  • Can be hard to hold down jobs, appointments, money or relationships as life becomes more chaotic.
  • Long term use changes physical appearance: age quicker, meth mouth(teeth become grey, twisted and fall out), skin lesions and ulcers from picking, meth bugs (hallucinations of insects crawling under the skin), needle marks, chemical burns.

  • Lack of food or water when on a high leading to dehydration or malnutrition.
  • Out of character violent behaviour.
  • Depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts when withdrawing.
  • Developing psychosis, paranoia, persecutory delusions, hallucinations, agitation, irrational hostile behaviour, repetitive stereotyped behaviour, social withdrawal.
  • Deaths are caused typically by seizures, heat attacks, brain hemorrhages or strokes.Increased sex drive and decreased inhibition can lead to increased risk of contracting or passing on HIV, Hep C and other STDs or sexual assault.
  • Poor verbal memory, poor problem solving, poor concentration.