Shan Rixon.jpgShan (she/her) has a background in anthropology and documentary photography and is drawn to visual narratives connected to personal identity, community and social justice. Before becoming an Art Psychotherapist, she worked for over a decade managing and delivering creative programmes in museums and galleries, with co-production and partnership-building at the heart of her practice. Alongside leading Arts in Health, Shan works as a therapist and designs creative wellbeing interventions for adults in the community. 


Laiqa-profile.jpgLaiqa (she/her) is a UKCP trainee Integrative Psychotherapist with a decade of experience in community-led creative spaces. As a Researcher, Designer, and Facilitator, she works at the intersection of visual arts, mental and somatic health, and social justice. Drawing on her background in Intersectionality, Laiqa operates at the crossroads of community design, co-creative research, and inclusive participatory arts engagement. She channels these passions into managing the day-to-day organising of the Arts in Health programme, serving as the first point of contact for participants and community partners.

Mayra Stergiou.jpgMayra (she/they) is a qualified Dramatherapist, Director, Performer, and Facilitator at Arts in Health. She has directed and performed in various theatres and festivals across the UK and internationally. In 2013, she founded Vertebra Theatre, where she co-develops Participatory Arts and Arts in Health projects with marginalised communities alongside its artistic productions.

Mayra has also been a visiting lecturer at several universities, teaching Puppetry, Mask, and Embodiment. She is currently pursuing a MPhil in Performance Practice, researching trauma and embodied materiality.

Zoe Haylock.jpgZoe (she/her) has recently finished a MSc in Population Health and is interested in learning more about art health services in her role as an Honorary Worker at Arts in Health. Before this, Zoe worked as a Healthcare Assistant in a secondary care setting. Zoe also has previously studied art history, education and politics as part of her undergraduate degree and is interested in the relationship between these subjects within health services.