Life QI is CNWL’s online platform for QI projects.

Life QI supports project teams to use the Model for Improvement. It is designed to simply support your QI project and keep your project resources in one place. Using the Life QI system you can register your project, build a driver diagram, load your PDSA cycles and keep track of your measures. You can copy and paste data from Excel and it even produces your statistical process control (SPC) charts for you. 

You can use Life QI to collaborate and share learning not only with your team but also by viewing other projects in CNWL. There is also functionality that allows you to share learning across the UK by viewing QI projects in other organisations.

  1. Visit this page and click sign up.
  2. Fill in the five steps in the sign up process, ensuring that you use your CNWL e-mail address, so that you can be assigned to the correct contract on Life QI. 
  3. You will be asked to enter a code that has been mailed to you during step two.
  4. Submit when you have completed all five steps.

The CNWL QI Team will verify your account, using your NHS email address, and you will receive a confirmation email.  This process normally takes at least one working day.

Once verified, you can log on and change your password and add details to your profile (such as job title, contact details, photograph).

Follow the link to the Life QI website.

Use your email address and Life QI password.

You may have seen parts of the Life QI platform being demonstrated during QI training, but there will be more that you need to learn about using the system as your QI project progresses.  It is a good idea to set up a ‘private’ project (that nobody else can see) for you to practice using the system.

QI Coaches can also a useful source of support for using Life QI.

To receive more specific training, Life QI have developed a set of training videos about each of the major steps of developing and running a project.  

Life QI Training videos