Posted on: 27 September 2019

Congratulations to adult mental health pharmacy at the Campbell Centre in Milton Keynes whose QI project achieved (then exceeded) their aim of 90% of patients at the Campbell Centre to have medications counselling as part of the discharge process.





Active QI projects on Life QI Completed QI projects Staff registered on Life QI Service User and Carer Involvement in QI

Getting involved in Quality Improvement

There’s often a back to school feeling associated with September. That’s partly why we’ve included a piece about IHI Open School in this newsletter. (We’ve also included the piece because IHI Open School is excellent)  CNWL now offers a wide range of QI training to staff such as quarterly learning events and Bitesize QI both featured in this edition. What sets Open School apart however, is the detail it goes into in order for you to understand and apply the Model for Improvement. Staff who complete the modules, in particular modules 101 to 105 find they have acquired an excellent grounding in QI methodology, and certainly enough to get started on a project. Open School also helps staff to complete QI training at their own pace, and includes many excellent and thought provoking clinical examples to inspire you.     

Further details of the training options to CNWL staff are available online here


Camden Rapid Access Team has been shortlisted for a Nursing Times Award for their Discharge Summary Quality Improvement project in the category of 'Nursing in the Community'

Gareth Turner, Therapy Lead, and his team led a quality improvement project to improve discharge summaries. A discharge summary is a letter given to a patient when they are discharged and it includes a summary of their care and treatment and helps to improve the patient experience and continuity of care.The team in Camden set a target to complete 75% of summaries within two days. They hope to increase this target to 95%. 

IHI Open School Quality Improvement (QI) training available to all staff across CNWL


The IHI Open School offers online training for you to develop your skills to run a QI project and be part of a project team. 

You should start your QI training by completing the Improvement Capability Modules (QI101 to QI105), as shown below. Completing additional module Q201: Planning for Spread will give you a certificate in Quality Improvement. Improvement Capability                                                                                              
QI 101 : Introduction to Health Care Improvement
QI 102 : How to Improve with the Model for Improvement
QI 103 : Testing and Measuring Changes with PDSA Cycles
QI 104 : Interpreting Data: Run Charts, Control Charts and Other Measurement Tools
QI 105 : Leading Quality Improvement
It will take you approximately 80 mins to complete each module and you will receive a certificate at the end of each module. Find out more here.

Spotted on Twitter: Colne ward present their QI project poster at the National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care and Low Secure Units (NAPICU) conference.

When you’ve managed to reduce your restrictive interventions by 92.3% you’re obviously going to want to share your successes with others. What a fantastic achievement by Colne Ward staff.  

QI Autumn Learning Event (September 9): Improving Safety 


We were delighted to welcome over 60 CNWL staff, QI coaches, Trust governors and commissioners to a packed programme of Quality Improvement (QI) learning activities.  For our fourth QI Learning Event, the theme was improving safety and our aim was to provide a stimulating and varied experience where attendees can immerse themselves in QI thinking, network with colleagues and learn from examples of QI projects that are currently in progress across CNWL services.  

Dr Bob Klaber, Deputy Medical Director at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Dr Charlotte Hopkins, Deputy Chief Medical Officer at Barts Health NHS Trust were guest speakers. Talking about their respective QI journeys, Bob described a similar experience to CNWL; building capacity at all levels over time are vital to embedding an improvement culture.  While Charlotte’s message was one of encouragement; keep going, don’t give up and you will get there.

It was heartening to hear staff discuss some of the barriers and solutions to achieving meaningful involvement or ‘Big I’ in our QI projects.  Similarly the range of masterclasses provoked a huge amount of discussion. 

Celebrating QI success is an important part of the learning event. 10 QI projects were awarded certificates to recognise the achievement of demonstrable or sustained improvements in a CNWL service.  Dr Con Kelly, CNWL Medical Director, congratulated and awarded QI certificates to representatives from each of the QI project teams that have used QI methodology to make real service improvements.  Dr Kelly said “It is a great pleasure to award QI certificates and it is most important to recognise the achievements of all of our colleagues who have contributed to successful QI projects, knowing that this work makes a difference to the lives of service users, carers and staff”.

We are starting to plan the next QI Learning Event which will take place in April 2020.  Watch out for announcements in the QI newsletter, in weekly news and on twitter at @QiCnwl.

Bitesize QI training dates

The full list of dates currently available to book are: 

•    Monday 30 September 1pm to 4pm,  Meeting room 1 and 2, Beaufort House, Uxbridge
•    Tuesday 15 October 9.30am to 1pm Milton Keynes (Fry Hall) 
•    Wednesday 13 November 9.30am to 1pm Argo House (CR3/4) 
•    Monday 2 December 9.30am to 1pm Bevan rooms, 350 Euston Road

Life QI tip of the month: How to add colours to your driver diagram.


There’s no need to settle for monochrome driver diagrams! Follow these simple steps to add colour to your thought processes. 
1.    Click the 'Driver Diagram' Tab
2.    Click the 'Edit' button.
3.    Click the 'Manage colours' button below the diagram.
4.    Click a colour you wish to define and add a label under ‘add a label’ heading 
5.    To add a label click on the 'Text Field' and define the label colour.
6.    Click 'Done'.
7.    Click on the 'Edit' button on the Driver Diagram page.
8.    Click on the driver you would like to colour code.
9.    Click the ‘Chose a Colour’ rectangular button and select the label required.
10.    Click Save    .