Posted on: 15 July 2022

Let’s celebrate good times, come on! 

Many PDSA (plan, do, study, act) cycles and fishbone diagrams later, the latest cohort of improvement practicum teams across the Trust are ready to now lead their improvement projects within their service with the tools and skills they’ve learnt while working with the Improvement Academy.

The event was a real celebration, teams were praised for their achievements and their ability to overcome challenges they faced while undertaking their Quality Improvement (QI) projects.

Geetika Singh, Head of QI Team said, “The celebration event was a great opportunity for this year’s practicum teams to come together in person and share their successes and their learning. There was great energy in the room, and it was clear that all teams appreciated the collaborative learning space that the improvement practicum has provided.”

Dividing into groups, each team was able to speak with others to understand the challenges another team faced while completing their QI project. Sharing change ideas, service user and carer involvement tips and showcasing detailed data, staff were able to appreciate the hard work that had been done throughout the year to improve elements of healthcare delivery in their local settings.

There was also a great discussion where teams shared how their improvement work was able to add value in many unintended ways beyond the initial scope of their improvement projects, including improved staff experience and team working, creating a safety and learning culture within their team or service, enhanced service user and carer involvement and streamlining of processes.

Everyone was able to give teams a “high five” to show appreciation - staff wrote what impressed them the most about a team’s project on hand shaped sticky notes.

The practicum celebration culminated in the award ceremony, where each team was applauded for the work they’ve done and handed a certificate to display proudly at work.

Alison Butler Director of Improvement, closed the event “Thank you to all the teams for your time, commitment and hard work. We look forward to hearing how your improvement work progresses from here and we are at the improvement academy are always here if you need additional support in the future.”

See photos of the celebration below: