Posted on: 24 March 2022

It’s a reality that there are bad times throughout our lives, sometimes they are personal experiences or collective ones, like the recent pandemic. One question some of us (most of us) ask ourselves when we come out at the other side is, how did I cope with that?

It’s a question asked with amazement mixed with confusion as we often forget our own strength. However, CNWL patient Angel Mutesasira seldom asks herself this question, as she knows exactly what helps her process the good and bad times - music.

When Angel was admitted to Northwick Park Mental Health Unit, she had to remain in isolation as she tested positive for Covid-19. Everyone can understand how hard that is from recent years, but Angel knew what she had to do to get through it:

“I phoned my mum and asked her to bring my equipment. I thought let me just try and create something and I ended up making 5 songs.”

Angel’s story is about finding something which becomes the conduit between how you feel and others who can help to support you or say ‘I understand and you’re not alone’. It’s not a cure but a connection. Angel said:

“It was difficult mixing with people, on the ward I always had some kind of music playing, so I was by myself but music got me stronger - and along with music therapy - helped the communication part a lot. When I was struggling to talk I was able to show my songs to therapists and it really helped. I find it difficult talking so singing and writing lyrics is a way of expressing myself and how I feel.”

Angel has been inspired by artists from all different genres, “If you pick up my phone and scroll through my playlist you’ll be a bit confused because I listen to so much. I think that’s what makes my music unique. Hopefully I can release a full album and everyone can enjoy it in at least one form of way.”

One artist Angel is inspired by is Juice WRLD, she said, “he spoke a lot about his anxiety and stuff he was dealing with through his music.”

To use music to open up about feelings so personal to a therapist or friend is hard, but to then find the courage to release it on Spotify is a whole different ball game. Angel is now a true artist who - like Juice WRLD and the greats that have come before her - takes her experiences, her pain and releases it into the world hoping it will help others.

Angel spoke about how she wants people to feel when they listen to her music:

“I want my music to bring joy and love to people, bring them up when they’re down because I know what it feels like being low. With my music I always try and send out a positive message at the end. Even though I feel scared when releasing my music, I know it’s a work of art and I’m confident in myself and I want others to hear so it can bring positivity to people.”

Another aspect that makes Angel’s music even more incredible is that no one in her family has a music background and she is completely self-taught, she called herself “the odd one out”, but that doesn’t stop her, “I think I’m doing something special and I want to keep going, pushing it to see where it takes me.”

Not only does Angel sing, write, produce and mix her own music independently, she promotes it herself too. So, to help with promotion…. On March 25, Angel’s new song called House Is Not A Home will be released. Click the image below to listen: 

You need to hear Angel’s music, it’s truly fantastic and many others will think so too - including you!

Follow Angel on Instagram, her username is: @angelmutesasira

We’ll finish this article on a quote from Angel which encapsulates the positive spirit she and her music bring to the world:

“Hold tight and there’s always light at the end of the tunnel, there’s always hope and follow your dreams. Pursue what you love and I’m always happy to help people.”