Posted on: 29 August 2024

CAMHS has designed a new handbook for parents and carers of children and young people with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder.

Autism presents itself differently in people, and no one’s expression of autism is the same. Some autistic people will have high support needs, which means they require full time adjustments and support. Some may need mild support with day to day activities while others live fully independent lives.

Like anyone, autistic people have a range of strengths and challenges, but we hope the handbook will help you to:

  • Have a better understanding of what autism is
  • Learn strategies that can be used to help your child or young person at home, including visual schedules and symbols
  • Access additional resources available to you and your child, including books, videos and useful websites

Download a copy of the handbook here (opens PDF). 

To request a printed copy, please contact your local CAMHS service. Find more information on this page.

Animated stories: Tips on how to support young autistic people

CAMHS have also developed a collection of animated stories with tips on how to support young autistic people.

Useful for parents and carers, the stories provide a general overview about what autism is and helpful ways to support your child’s needs, such as adapting communication, creating autistic spaces and how to support an autistic person when experiencing a meltdown, shutdown or burnout.

Find out more on this page.

Autism Roadmap

The roadmap offers advice and guidance about some of the challenges autistic people and their families may face and how our services can help.

Topics include attention and listening, communication and language, sensory, eating habits, toileting, sleep, mental health and more.

The Autism Roadmap is available on this page