Posted on: 8 October 2021

The Bridge Sexual Health Service for people with learning disabilities and autism has opened two new clinics in Barnet at Edgware Community Hospital and Vale Drive Primary Care Centre.

This specialised service offers support and advice on sex, relationships and pregnancy to people in the borough who are aged over 16 and may find it difficult to attend a clinic and discuss their sexual health needs or concerns in a regular appointment. The service also offers free condoms and contraception and tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV.

Justine Maher, Service Lead for The Bridge in Barnet, said

“We offer a safe place for people with learning disabilities and autism to discuss any worries or concerns they have about their sexual health. We’re here to offer testing and support with pregnancy or contraception too and will work closely with local people, carers and Barnet Learning Disabilities Service to offer one-to-one support to people in the borough.

“We know from our experience of running The Bridge Service in Camden and Islington that this specialised clinic improves access to sexual health services for people in the borough who may not ordinarily come forward to attend a clinic or find it difficult to discuss their  sexual health needs or concerns. By offering a longer appointment time, where needed, we can address and understand anything that may be causing distress or anxiety, including those who have encountered sexually inappropriate behaviour.”

The Bridge has been running in Camden since January 2019.

Call to book an appointment with Justine on 07738 261 319.

The service is also available for people living in Camden and Islington. For Camden call  07738 261323

To find out more visit the sexual health website or see the easy read service leaflet