Posted on: 22 May 2024

The Carers at Work Network took part in Active April with a step challenge, to highlight the benefits of moving more to feel happier and healthier.

The step challenge ran for three weeks and over 25 teams from across the Trust signed up, jumping at the chance to get more active.

Well done and thanks to everyone for taking part, we were blown away by the enthusiasm!

It was great to see the creative ways teams incorporated walking into daily routines, as well as the team names that showed the commitment to being active.

The Dynamic Ones and Belsize Steppers joined the challenge from our integrated community health services in Camden, as well as Legs Don’t Lie from our children’s community paediatric service in Harrow.

Here’s what participants had to say:

‘’I really was walking everywhere in my spare time and on lunch breaks. I came third out of our team so it was fun while it lasted. A lot of the team enjoyed it and I’ve added this walking habit to my arsenal.”

‘’We have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge and it’s a great idea to get staff moving and looking after their own health in order to care for our clients. We had hoped to do some more steps at lunchtime but couldn’t, so we decided to do this outside work in our own time.”

‘’We have all really enjoyed this journey and the competition between ourselves has been good’’.

Congratulations to the winning team, Hunter Street Integrated Primary Care, who averaged an incredible 18,773 steps per person, per day, throughout the challenge.

We awarded our winners at a celebration event yesterday, including the most improved step count, which went to our Urgent Community Response and Home First teams at the Community Independence Service in Westminster.