Posted on: 6 September 2021

A summary of our annual report has been uploaded to our website in time for our Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 09 September.

This starts at 5pm and will be held on Zoom.

Please click the link below to join the meeting:

Passcode: 146512

There will be the chance to put questions to the Board of Directors about our performance and plans.

The summary can be downloaded by clicking on this link while the annual report is available by clicking on this link.

In our review of the year we say: “Looking back, we are struck by the sheer dedication, commitment and compassion of our staff. There have been times when they had to deal with many unknowns, handling courageously the fear the pandemic sometimes brought for them and their families.

The staff have delivered a vaccination programme sometimes in very emotional circumstances. They did absolutely fantastic work and what a debt of gratitude they are owed for what they all modestly feel is only ‘doing their job’.”

The report covers the financial year 2020 to 2021 and contains our annual accounts, but there was no expectation on the part of NHS England and NHS Improvement for Trusts to create a Quality Account in time for this Annual Report.

The Quality Account has now been finalised and uploaded to NHS Choices and to our website.