Posted on: 2 May 2023

In response to the covid-19 pandemic, CNWL Art in Health adapted to lockdown by moving our in-person studio to zoom, which founded our 'Studios Online' that are still running fortnightly. After a long awaited return to an in-person programme, we have reopened our 'Art Studio,' beginning monthly in the Pyramid room of Paddington Arts.

Participants joined us on a sunny day in April to have our first in-person Art Studio; a creative space for service users to experiment with different art materials and meet others in a welcoming space.The group had the opportunity to work with a wide range of creative materials, from paint and charcoal, to collage and clay. It’s a chance to have free creative expression, while also an opportunity to socialise and meet others in the community. 

CNWL Arts in Health visit Art Studio at Paddington Arts.jpg CNWL Arts in Health visit Art Studio at Paddington Arts 1.jpg

As this session kicked off our summer term of 2023, we brainstormed the different themes of the artwork, including but not limited to: Wisdom, Shadows, Colours, Celebrations, Waves, and Hope. Participants shared their delight in returning to in-person sessions with feedback being overwhelming positive, and we look forward to our next session in a month’s time. 

If you are interested in hearing more about the work that we do, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. You can email us at to hear about our service, visit our website, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram.