Posted on: 4 November 2021

CNWL’s Carers at Work (CAW) Staff Network has been selected to present at this year’s State of Caring Conference, which is taking place today (4 November).

The conference is hosted each year by CarersUK, bringing together health, social care, carers organisations and other local agencies. With so many life changes as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, this year’s event looks back on the last 18 months but also focuses on the learning, and new ways of working that have emerged. More details about the conference can be found here.

Sarah Hulme, Co-Chair of the CAW Network, will be presenting during the session ‘Covid legacy’, demonstrating the work that has taken place to embed the Network across CNWL, including their successful initiatives: ‘Support for Carers’ booklet, ‘Navigating HR’ workshops and ‘Helping Managers Support Working Carers’ sessions, which have carried on throughout the pandemic.

Sarah will also introduce the ‘Carer’s Passport’ (Workplace Adjustment Plan), a tool to support working carers to initiate discussions with managers around caring responsibilities. Stay tuned for further details - CAW will officially launch this project on Carers Rights Day (Thursday 25 November 2021).

The presentation today also highlights the support from Executive Sponsor, Hannah Witty, CNWL’s Chief Finance Officer. Hannah says:

“As an Executive Sponsor, it gives me the opportunity to hear directly from staff about the challenges they face; balancing their work and caring responsibilities and what we can do to help and support them. I am able to take this feedback directly to the Board and use it to help influence the culture and behaviours in CNWL, hopefully improving the experience of all of our carers.”

Watch the CAW presentation here.

CAW have also developed an accompanying poster, and you can see a copy of this here.

CNWL staff can contact the Network by emailing:

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