Posted on: 2 November 2023

It's International Volunteer Managers’ Day on 5 November.

Every day, individuals at CNWL perform extraordinary acts of service, compassion, and commitment. We believe in the power of volunteerism wholeheartedly. Volunteers are the heart and soul of our community, driving our mission with passion, dedication, and enthusiasm. Their role goes beyond just giving time - it’s about making a lasting impact. Here, every volunteer does just that.

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International Volunteer Managers’ Day celebrates those leading volunteerisms with heart and strategy. Volunteer Managers and supervisors at CNWL change lives, empowering volunteers and impacting those served.

Achievements in 2023

Thanks to our devoted supervisors, our volunteers have truly shined this year, achieving success:

  • Milena’s Award: Crowned as a Coronation Champion, she's celebrated by none other than Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort in partnership with the Royal Voluntary Service. This award speaks volumes about her dedication, compassion, and the significant impact she’s had within our community.
  • Helpforce Nomination: CNWL’s Volunteer Service shined bright at the Helpforce Champions Awards 2023 for three categories:
    • Ania Adams - Volunteer Lead of the Year.
    • Nicola Jhumat - Outstanding Staff Champion of the Year
    • CNWL Volunteer to Career Programme - Best Volunteer to Career Programme

While we didn’t get the top prize, being highly commended among a crowd of dedicated peers is itself a tremendous achievement.

Volunteer to Career programme

Here at CNWL, we don't just value the work volunteers do. We also help them grow professionally. This year, 36 volunteers got support to move from volunteering roles to professional careers. And 19 found jobs within the NHS. It's a big step for them and shows our drive to support talent. We're proud of this new service's success as we celebrate not only their individual achievements but also the profound impact of this programme in shaping careers and reinforcing our mission at CNWL.

Check in & Chat (C&C) Service

Our 'Check in & Chat' service has been a lifeline during these challenging times. Through this initiative, our volunteers have touched the lives of hundreds, offering an ear to listen, a voice of reassurance, and a ray of hope. This service is there for people who care for others using CNWL services. Whether family or friend, this initiative has been a beacon for many.

The success of C&C owes much to our CNWL Staff members who, as Volunteer Supervisors, selflessly guide volunteers, ensuring the service remains impactful and enriching for all.

Supervisor stories

Behind every successful volunteer is a supervisor who guides, mentors, and supports. This year, we spotlight a few such extraordinary supervisors. Due to the limitations of this article, we can't name every incredible individual. Yet, your dedication resonates profoundly within our organisation and community, and while your names may not appear in print, your impact is engraved in the heart of CNWL.

1. Elaine: Juggling her full-time role with supervising the Check in & Chat service, Elaine is the embodiment of commitment. Her meticulous nature ensures volunteers provide unparalleled support while upholding CNWL's standards. Elaine's regular supervision and keen eye for detail have been instrumental in shaping and refining the service.

2. Nicola: Hats off to Nicola, a true pioneer in our community. Her introduction of the 'Care Support Volunteer' role and the new 'Community Wellness Volunteer' role has redefined volunteering at CNWL. Her commitment to enhancing patient care and community wellbeing have made a tangible impact.

3. Shiv, Jaya, Ben: This trio has shown outstanding commitment to enhancing addiction services at CNWL. They've provided volunteers with the opportunity to gain invaluable experience within the drug and alcohol treatment environment. Through their guidance, volunteers build confidence working both with the client group and within a multidisciplinary team.

4. Kathy and Margie: who have supported us in leading in our expansion of volunteer roles in admin teams in Harrow and Brent, offering opportunities for people to learn and experience the love of a busy admin team with great success in securing paid jobs after their experience.

5. Cate: As the founder of One Community, Cate has ushered a change movement, championing mental health support through collaborative spaces. She has supported and taken on many volunteers, offering opportunities to service users to thrive in their roles, supporting and guiding them in their journeys.

6. Our Silent Heroes: Beyond the spotlight, the enormous contributions of many other supervisors who engage actively with volunteers. Their stories, while numerous, are united in theme - a story of dedication, hard work, and unyielding passion.

A thank you note

As the curtains drop on International Volunteer Managers’ Day, we take a moment to reflect on the incredible journeys, stories, and achievements of our volunteer team. To every CNWL manager, every volunteer, every supervisor, every supporter and every story - thank you. Here’s to CNWL, our community, our heart, and our pride. We look forward to the continued growth of our community and invite everyone to join us in making a difference.

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