Posted on: 9 June 2023

CNWL's Clinical Ethics Committee (CEC) is a multi-disciplinary group who meet on a monthly basis via MS Teams with the aim of assisting clinicians and managers in making vexing clinical decisions by reflecting on them from an ethical perspective. 

The Committee is made up of individuals from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines to bring together a broad a range of perspectives to encourage rich and robust discussion and debate. For example, psychiatry, psychology, palliative care, sexual health, Caldicott guardian, GP, quality governance, transformation, law, carer and service user representatives.

Closing date Friday 23 June 2023

We encourage interested colleagues to complete and return an application form (details of how to do this can be found in the 3-minute read for 12 June 2023). Shortlisted candidates will be offered a MS Teams or face-to-face interview at a mutually agreeable time.

Your commitment will include attendance at the monthly meeting, contributing your thoughts and reflections from your professional and personal perspective, and periodically (approx. once or twice per year) taking responsibility for the write-up of a case discussion to capture the salient discussion point and any final outcomes.

This offers a great opportunity to be a part of stimulating, rich debate and discussion, learning about ethical frameworks or lenses to view issues, as well as from others’ perspectives; for personal and professional development and networking.

There is also an opportunity to partake in relevant training and conference opportunities via the national network, UKCEN.