Posted on: 25 January 2023

Asbestos is a hazardous product if it is disturbed or damaged and many buildings built before 1999 are likely to contain some.

This report could lead to unnecessary alarm amongst staff and patients because it does not mention the strict Regulations in place, overseen by the Health and Safety Executive and our own staff Group, so no one is placed at risk of exposure to airborne asbestos wherever possible.

We have an Asbestos Safety Engineer and annual inspections (by a third-party organisation) to make sure all known asbestos-containing materials remain in a good state of repair or are safely removed if required.

We are confident we exceed the duties placed upon us by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

Staff with any concerns can raise them with their Health and Safety Representative, line manager or Union.

This subject can cause real worry if all safeguards are not considered.