Posted on: 24 February 2022
When the pandemic hit, many staff working in health and care organisations across the UK needed to communicate with each other and patients whilst working remotely.
In an article published here, Rob Clarke, CNWL’s Head of Long term Conditions (LtC) shares how video conferencing software enabled his team to reach patients and help them manage chronic health conditions.
Before the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic-related lockdowns, the LtC team ran face-to-face group sessions to help patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Needing to continue helping patients self-manage their health and not increase their exposure to COVID-19, a remote programme was designed and delivered using Zoom meetings.
There have been many benefits in using a digital approach. Rob explains:
“Zoom has enabled us to reach out to vulnerable and isolated patients,” he says. They were able to hold much larger groups, save costs and time on travel, and patients felt more comfortable doing things in their own home.
“If you have COPD, it can be difficult to get on and off a bus or even to go up and down stairs. If patients can receive some input in their own house remotely, that is great for them."
CNWL has helped to reduce barriers in accessing this technology by offering internet-connected devices and a telephone line for those having trouble joining the Zoom sessions.
Virtual sessions have also been developed to support patients living with other long-term conditions such as type 2 diabetes as well as stroke and neurology rehabilitation groups.