Posted on: 4 July 2022

CNWL's Hillingdon Staff had a lovely time visiting 10 Downing Street today, Monday 4 July.

Jamie Morgan, Integrated Discharge Team Manager, and Claire Eves, Associate Director Outer London Services, were invited to a reception celebrating the 74th Anniversary of the NHS and Adult Social Care.  They represented the Integrated Discharge Team and the excellent work the team have done to support flow and reducing length of stay in The Hillingdon Hospital.  They were also joined by other colleagues from Hillingdon including Ritu Prasad the Chair of the GP Confederation. 

HHCP Reps - No 10 visit.jpg Claire Eves at No 10.jpg

Whilst enjoying the reception in the sunny garden of No 10, Boris Johnson made specific time to speak to the NHS staff from his Hillingdon constituency.