Posted on: 30 March 2022

Tomorrow, 31 March 2022 is International Trans Day of Visibility (TDoV). It’s a day of celebration for and of people within the trans community.

The first TDoV was held in 2009 by activist Rachel Crandall as an acknowledgment that the only day focused on the trans+ community at that time was Trans Day of Remembrance; a day of grief, pain and anger.

Ozias Smith is the Trans Lead for CNWL’s LGBT+ Staff Network (PRIDE@CNWL) and Clinical Team Leader and Occupational Therapist in Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster.

Oz said, “Without question, this space is needed, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by news of hate crimes, celebrities trending because of the latest discriminatory tweet, our existence being the topic for a talk show debate… It can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, looking for a “good” story.

“TDoV is a day of the trans+ community being visible on our own terms, a day to celebrate our achievements and showcase the pride and positivity within and around us to the rest of the world.

Upon joining the network Oz said he wants to be

“Standing up proud & Shouting out loud” for trans inclusivity

Oz reflects on his experiences

“I didn’t know anyone who openly identified as trans when I entered the world of work - I couldn’t see  “me” represented anywhere. So, when I saw the LGBT+ network were looking for a Trans Lead, I realised I could be that representation for others looking for their “me”.

Oz found that in other spaces too

“I’ve been going to Slimming World for a few years and actually stayed in the same group throughout my transition, but I can feel somewhat of an outsider at times, because these groups can be very gender-influenced (females go through this, men do that etc). I’d not had much (if any come to think of it) awareness of other trans+ people in Slimming World, until I read an article in a recent Slimming World magazine celebrating Andie Darlington. She shares her story of realising her true self, and being able to continue her healthy lifestyle habits with the support of her fellow group members – including winning “Woman of the Year” in group."

“In an organisation as big as Slimming World is, with its tendency to veer toward gender stereotypes, seeing Andie put herself out there in the spotlight made my heart grow like the Grinch’s with pride. Because it is difficult to navigate transition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle but here she is, showing the world it can be done."

“So on this year’s TDoV I want to say a thank you to Andie for making our community visible, for all the right reasons.”

PRIDE@CNWL LGBT+ Staff Network is here for anyone who needs support in the workplace at CNWL. 

Opening Doors London Trans Allyship virtual event – Thursday 31 March, 11am to 12pm

An introductory event for those interested in becoming allies to older trans and non-binary people.

Older trans and non-binary people living in the U.K exist at an intersection of transness and age, and are therefore increasingly vulnerable in a country which often demonstrates blatant transphobia and ageism.

Opening Doors London (a dedicated national charity connecting LGBTQ+ people over 50) is increasingly aware of the need to rally allies in order to ensure equality, safety, and dignity for all older trans and non-binary people, and with this in mind, we present to you "Allyship and Ageing: An Introduction to Trans Allyship".

This session is designed to be beginner friendly, and we will explore the core concepts and defininitions of trans allyship, as well as looking specifically at the issues facing older trans people. You will leave the webinar with a set of tangible activities that can apply to both your professional life, and your personal life.

Sign up on Eventbrite

If you have any questions about the event, please contact