Posted on: 20 March 2024

There was a buzz in the air as a profession came together, psychiatrists were once again able to learn more about each other’s perspective and further boost their passion for the field they love.

Inspiring young psychiatry talent and those who have never lost their passion for psychiatry, shared their insights about what it’s like being a psychiatrist in the NHS in 2024.

Dr Con Kelly, Chief Medical Officer, said, “It’s been a fantastic and inspiring day with a range of psychiatrists – of all grades and specialities – showing what a creative, energising and special branch of medicine psychiatry truly is and what a great group of doctors we have in CNWL.”

This year’s conference was all about: Supporting, Thriving, Aspiring, Responsive (STAR) – the core values CNWL needs to attract and retain our Psychiatry colleagues and be a Trust that is a centre for innovation.

The day began with Gareth Jarvis opening the conference, presenting the smorgasbord of psychiatry that was on offer throughout the day.

Pecha Kucha’s (a fast-paced presentation, where each slide lasts 20 seconds) followed, with stories from trainees about their chosen specialities.

Trust Chair, Tom Kibasi addressed the conference and offered his praise. Tom said, “We’re lucky to have such a fantastic group of doctors at CNWL, I’m really excited about all the fantastic improvements we’re going to make and the quality of care as we increase our collaboration with our partners in other Trusts in North West London.”

In the afternoon there were more Pecha Kucha’s where consultants talked about moments that changed their career.

There were inspiring stories about the influences that have affected their practice, from meditation, creative filmmaking, to their journey from moving from another country to live in the UK.

Consultant, Ashu Handa spoke of the support she received and how that affected her career, she said, “In CNWL you are never an island and there’s always people to talk to.”

Dr Gareth Jarvis, Jameson (Mental Health) Medical Director said, “There’s been a lot of energy, it’s great to see colleagues getting together and exchanging ideas. I’ve learnt lodes about parts of the Trust I’ve never realised we had, and just seeing all the innovative ideas and passion around CNWL for psychiatrists’ jobs - it's been fantastic.”