Posted on: 30 June 2022
CNWL has published its Quality Account to its website.
The report (103 pages), can be downloaded by clicking here. The Trust Quality Account is an opportunity to reinforce how all CNWL teams and services are striving to deliver better and safer care, and show you what we have achieved over the previous financial year.
It contains the details of the initiatives, projects, audits and surveys staff have undertaken between April 2021 and March 2022.
CNWL retained its Care Quality Commission (CQC) quality ratings with a “good” Overall rating, a “good” Safety rating and an “Outstanding” rating for Caring.
In her opening statement, Chief Executive Claire Murdoch CBE, said: “It has been truly inspiring to see how services have managed to maintain innovation and their focus on Quality and Safety notwithstanding the pressures of the pandemic, as we experienced a second year of significant impact. I thank our staff, patients and carers as well as our many partners who work with us to challenge and improve safety and quality in the organisation.”