Posted on: 12 June 2024

CNWL is delighted to announce that seven initiatives have been shortlisted in the 2024 HSJ Patient Safety Awards, which recognise teams and individuals who strive to deliver improved patient care.

Congratulations to CNWL’s finalists who were shortlisted across four categories. They are:

Carers at Work Staff Network – Staff wellbeing initiative of the year

This award recognises wellbeing interventions across the organisation that have improved standards of patient care.

The Carers at Work Network make sure that our workplace is carer-friendly, by supporting our staff with caring roles emotionally and practically. This includes providing advice, resources and training, and promoting policies that support our staff. They arrange bespoke workshops and promote the Network across the Trust making sure there is awareness and support for managers and staff alike.

New Starter Roadmap - Staff wellbeing initiative of the year

This award recognises wellbeing interventions across the organisation that have improved standards of patient care.

The New Starter Roadmap is a guide for managers on how to engage and check in with their staff once they’ve joined CNWL and the key milestones during their first year including induction, health and wellbeing, appraisals and training.

ICE HUB and Pathway 2 standardisation – Community Care Initiative of the Year

This award recognises teams who can demonstrate new ways of working in community care that improve patient safety and outcomes.

Most patients who require further support from health and social care will be discharged home and continue their rehabilitation journey in the community. But sometimes patients need further support before returning home, and the Intermediate Community bed Escalation (ICE) Hub steps in to help those patients transferring from hospital to inpatient rehabilitation units.

This offer across North West and North Central London has resulted in collaborative working between rehabilitation providers, shorter wait times for patients, reduced duplication of referrals, and relieves pressures on hospitals.

Disposable elastomeric pumps to expedite discharge of Palliative and End of Life Patients (University College Hospitals London and CNWL) – Community Care Initiative of the Year

This award recognises teams who can demonstrate new ways of working in community care that improve patient safety and outcomes.

Reducing Restrictive Practice - A whole team approach on Shore Ward at Park Royal Hospital - Mental Health Safety Improvement Award


Psychosocial Interventions for the Harrow Home Treatment Team - Mental Health Safety Improvement Award

This award highlights initiatives which have delivered compassionate, efficient and most importantly safe services for people with mental health conditions.

SCARF: Cultivating a Safe, Compassionate, Accountable, Reflective and Fair Culture - Developing a Positive Safety Culture Award

This category recognises organisations where cultural change has driven clear acceptance and belief that patient safety is the responsibility of all staff.

Our cultural framework helps us all live the five elements of SCARF every day: Safe, Compassionate, Accountable, Reflective and Fair. We’re two years into our SCARF journey and it’s having an impact on the way we recruit and retain staff, have conversations about diversity and difference and how we think about safety and learning from incidents. 

Winners will be announced at a ceremony in Manchester on 16 September. Find out more about the HSJ Patient Safety Awards here.