Posted on: 1 December 2021
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust are truly proud to become one of the First Tranche Implementation sites (FImpS) for the NWCSP lower Limb recommendations and working with the national team and the other six FImpS on the development of wound care metrics.
The National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP) has been commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement to improve the prevention and care of pressure ulcers, lower limb ulcers and surgical wounds.
The programme aims to implement a consistently high standard of wound care across England by reducing unnecessary variation, improving safety and healing rates and reducing patient suffering, expenditure on inappropriate and ineffective treatments and the amount of clinical time spent on wound care.
You can find out more about the NWCSP on their website.
Read CNWL’s presentation to the programme.
We will be implementing the strategy in Hillingdon with our Partners.
Implementer sites had to demonstrate existing partnerships and in this case that is the Hillingdon Health and Care Partnership (HHCP) and the vascular services in London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust.
The Team who made our presentation was:
- Helen Willetts, Director of Nursing, CNWL Director of IPC
- Luxmi Dhoonmoon, Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability, CNWL
- Phillip Perkins, Carer Representative
- Dr Selva Theivacumar, Vascular Surgeon, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
- Caroline Morison, Managing Director, Hillingdon Health and Care Partners
- Claire Eves, Associate Director for Outer London Services, CNWL
- Matt Read, Associate Director for Partnerships and Integration , CNWL