Posted on: 10 May 2023

Volunteers Nick and Phillip, were on hand to support Health and Wellbeing Champion Lead, Kimberley Linyard-Tough, when she needed help running a busy stall at a conference attended by over 400 staff.

Kimberley reached out to the Volunteering Team as she needed help in providing an expansive range of information on improving and maintaining staff wellbeing.

Nick and Phillip were able to collect information leaflets on the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), sleeping well, online Pilates and yoga sessions, menopause support group, eating well, online choir, the wellbeing roadmap, free will writing service and volunteering.

Kim said: “I don’t know what I would have done without the fantastic volunteers giving me some of their time. It was amazing having help to direct people to the various support available. Nick and Phillip were phenomenal volunteers, I’m not sure how I would have managed without them.”

Nick who is CNWL’s Club Drug Clinic volunteer patient representative said:

“It was a great pleasure to be invited to help out on the health and wellbeing stall, I thoroughly enjoyed talking about health and wellbeing while learning more myself about the offerings from Occupational Health”

Phillip volunteers as a chatter with Check in & Chat and commented:

“It was great to meet lots of different people across the division and see how many different roles people have to support the work of CNWL. I enjoyed assisting on the stall to promote better wellbeing to staff and found people very interested.”

If you are interested in volunteering, want a helpful volunteer to join your team or to help out at an event please contact the Volunteer Service team at

More information about the conference itself can be found here: Goodall Staff Conference ‘Innovation In Action’.