Posted on: 2 November 2022

CNWL staff taking part in our 21st Century Leadership Programme (21 CLP) got together at the Indian YMCA in Central London last month to discuss new management techniques and develop improved leadership skills.

In the video above, participants and their managers share their experiences with the programme, explaining how it has opened their eyes to different management styles and made them more well-rounded leaders.

Rukayat Adewoye, who is currently on the course, decided to sign up because she was interested in learning more about “compassionate leadership”.

She added: “After the pandemic, with everything we’ve been through as an organisation and the nation at large, I think compassion is really important and I think that’s what drew me in.”

But for programmes like 21 CLP to be successful, it also relies on managers allowing their team members to take the time to complete their learning.

Liam Clark, Head of Contracts, Partnerships and Business Development in Milton Keynes, said: “As a manager, that’s clearly the biggest thing I have to give up or create for somebody. But this stuff’s really important.

“There’s never going to be a good time, so now is the best time. And I think the trick is giving people the protected time so they can go off and do this properly.

“The idea is that they should come back with new skills or new ways of thinking that they will be able to bring back to the team.”

A trust-wide management programme, 21 CLP encourages compassionate leadership through living our values and modelling behaviours with a focus on improving equality, diversity and inclusion.

It contains three main domains:

  • Awareness of self
  • Management skills (HR, finance, performance)
  • Leadership skills (vision, values, system)

21 CLP’s mission and vision

Our Mission and Vision for the 21CLP is to develop a diverse, ambitious and empowering community of leaders who are inclusive, resilient and purpose-led. The programme is designed to train and equip CNWL staff with the skills and tools to respectfully lead, grow and develop people and partnerships. We want to promote a safe and sustainable environment for our staff and our communities.

This innovative and compassion-led leadership programme is underpinned by the trust values of Compassion, Respect, Empowerment and Partnership alongside ‘Wellbeing for Life’. The programme will develop skilled leaders equipped to embrace the complex demands associated with managing and delivering excellent patient care in local communities.

For more information on 21 CLP, visit the Trustnet page. You can also access 21CLP workshops on LDZ.