Posted on: 29 July 2024

CNWL’s Annual Report was laid before Parliament on 26 July 2024 and is published on our website today.

The report covers the financial year 2023 to 2024 and contains our annual accounts. You can download the report by clicking here.

In our review of the year we say:

“This year, the NHS marked 75 years of service. We celebrated this milestone and showed our appreciation to all the staff who make up the NHS, for the work you do. We reflected on how far we’ve come, the challenges we’re facing today and what we anticipate facing in years to come.

“We’ve seen significant developments in different parts of the organisation, with innovative services and new programmes launched, but as with the rest of the NHS, demand on services continues to increase, alongside financial pressures and complexity of need among our patients.

“We continue to put an emphasis on the development of services in the community. Evidence shows that supporting people to stay well in the community – in their homes, closer to family and friends – brings better outcomes and helps people recover more quickly.”

Please let us know what you think about this report at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 25 September.

The AGM will be held virtually on Zoom, from 5pm to 7pm.

If you want to attend, please register below to receive the joining link for Zoom:

CNWL Annual General Meeting 2024

The AGM will feature all our services, and there will be plenty of time to put questions to the Board of Directors and Governors about our performance and plans.