Posted on: 21 June 2024

Windrush Day was formally launched in 2018 and is an opportunity for communities across the UK to celebrate the contribution of the Windrush Generation and their descendants.

Every year, Windrush day is held on 22 June to honour the contributions of migrants to the post-war economy. Specifically, it celebrates Afro-Caribbeans who began arriving on the HMT Empire Windrush in 1948. This year will be the 76th Anniversary.

Windrush Day is a chance to celebrate British Caribbean communities, and acknowledge the sacrifices and contributions the Windrush generation have made to the NHS. From nurses, to midwifes, porters and many more, the Windrush generation have made a huge contribution to the healthcare service in the UK.

To commemorate the day, CNWL’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network brought staff together on Thursday 20 June by hosting a virtual Q&A discussion on the Windrush Generation with Claire Murdoch, CNWL’s Chief Executive Officer. Claire shared how the Windrush generation have influenced the NHS in many positive ways, with their compassionate care in the services provided.

Claire also said “the NHS couldn't without people from overseas and the descendants of that generation, so I think the impact and contribution is almost immeasurable in so many unbelievable ways.”

To find out more about the Windrush, read these blogs from our BAME Network Co-chairs: