Posted on: 6 September 2022

Emily Callaghan.pngEmily Callaghan, Diabetes Specialist Podiatrist in Hillingdon (pictured), is volunteering for two weeks (in January 2023) in a bandaging centre at the Village of Hope, on the outskirts of Delhi for people with leprosy/Hansen’s Disease.

“I will be volunteering with Tracey Darvell who was my podiatry manager and worked for CNWL for over 30 years. We will be working together with local people to improve ulcer healing and prevention within this community.”

The  photographs below show the kind of work involved.

Village of Hope in Delhi 4.jpg Village of Hope in Delhi 3.jpg

“I am reaching out to podiatry suppliers and local podiatry teams to see if they could donate any expired or unwanted dressings or Poron (a flexible material used for cushioning, and padding.)”

“I will share my experiences of overseas volunteering with CNWL. I hope to get other podiatrists, including new graduates, involved in this project in the future. When I  come back, I’ll be presenting to my fellow podiatry colleagues and writing an article in the Podiatry Now magazine, which is circulated to all members of the Royal College of Podiatry.”

“I feel this trip will also be extremely valuable to me both professionally but also personally.”

There is more information is on Emily’s JustGiving page.

Many staff volunteer to work overseas – read about some of the projects.