Posted on: 8 March 2023

Members of CNWL’s Health and Justice Directorate gathered at the Clink Conference Centre at HMP High Down on 3 March 2023 ahead of its Surrey Prisons Integrated Healthcare Services go-live on 1 April.

The event brought together senior leaders, partner organisations and other external stakeholders and gave all parties an opportunity to hear about CNWL’s plan for a truly person-centred service.

Lloyd Kristian, Prisons Business Development Manager, said that this approach is especially important because patients within the prison system often have a unique set of needs.

He said: “Integrated healthcare services are critical to the sPatrick Gillespie using the VR headsetuccessful delivery of ‘whole prison’, trauma-informed healthcare pathways that deliver innovative and creative services to patients in the custodial estate.

“Many of the people we support have often been overlooked, can present with a complex range of needs and may be extremely vulnerable.

“By offering a single point of access, any door is an open door and every patient contact counts.

“Working hand-in-hand with our partners is a fundamental principle that underpins the service that CWWL Health and Justices delivers within Surrey Prisons.”

As well as talks from several of CNWL’s key stakeholders, there were also presentations from our partner organisations: The Forward Trust, Dr PA, Time for Teeth, The Prison Optician Company, Women in Prison, Choices Prison Counselling, Recoop and Spark Inside.

Attendees also had the opportunity to try out the service’s new VR equipment, which allows users to role play real-life scenarios in a controlled environment.

CNWL’s Health and Justice Services Director, Patrick Gillespie is pictured enjoying the technology – “mind-blowing” was his verdict on the day!