Posted on: 19 October 2023

CNWL’s Volunteer Service was officially the finalist for the prestigious Helpforce Champions Awards 2023. While they didn't take the top award, the acknowledgment in a crowd of such dedicated peers is itself an honour.

This year, CNWL's commendable efforts and commitment to dedication in health and care were recognised in three distinct categories:

  • Nicola Jhumat as Outstanding Staff Champion of the Year.
  • Ania Adams for Volunteer Lead of the Year.
  • CNWL Volunteer to Career Programme in the Best Volunteer to Career programme category

Ania Adams, Volunteer to Career Lead reflected on the recognition: “Every day, we pour our hearts into what we do. Who knew our blend of passion, coffee overdoses, and energy drinks would snag us a spot as a finalist? To have that commitment recognised this afternoon - it's a feeling that's hard to put into words. It's not about the shiny trophy (though it would've looked good on my desk); it's about knowing our impact is felt and appreciated.”

The grand evening unfolded on Friday 13 October at the iconic Royal Air Force Club, a venue that added a touch of history and reverence. Surrounded by leaders from the healthcare sector, the event underscored the critical role volunteers play in uplifting the healthcare experience across the UK.

Nicola Jhumat, Assistant Director for KCW Urgent Care at St Charles Hospital attended the ceremony and said:The Helpforce Awards were an amazing experience to be a part of! The amount of good spirit and passion in the room was inspiring. This is a new way to look at the NHS workforce; we are making a difference to patients' lives, meanwhile improving volunteer skills and their sense of achievement.”Helpforce-champions-2023.jpg

For CNWL’s Volunteer Service, this event was far more than a ceremony. It was a golden opportunity to meet, discuss, and bond with peers, drawing insights from the successes and innovations of others and reflecting on the immense value of volunteering in healthcare. The sense of unity was evident, with each person driven by the shared mission of enhancing health and care services.

Bhagy, one of our lovely volunteers, shared her sentiment: "Reflecting on the event, I can't help but remember the excitement and anticipation we all felt about the nominations. The energy in the room was palpable, and it made the evening all the more special, regardless of the outcomes."

The interactions with Helpforce and NHS and VCSE sector leaders were particularly enlightening, offering a glimpse into the future of volunteering in healthcare.

Nuria, CNWL Volunteer Services Manager said: “Our initiative aims to create lasting change. Being spotlighted today confirms we're on the right track, pioneering paths that matter. It's a testament that when a community comes together with purpose, we can shape the future of healthcare in profound ways.”

Recognition is more than a trophy or a title. Being shortlisted speaks volumes about the unwavering commitment, resilience, and love the CNWL Volunteer Service pours into their roles daily. This acknowledgement stands for every hour spent, every challenge faced, and every individual impacted.

The event wasn't just for winners. Every attendee left with a sense of accomplishment and a reminder that every effort, every volunteer, and every act of kindness makes a positive difference in the world of healthcare.

The journey for CNWL’s Volunteer Service doesn't end here. Fuelled by the inspiration of the afternoon, they're geared up to continue their positive impact in healthcare. After all, the true prize is in the difference they make, every single day.


Ania Adams, VtC Lead, stands far left; Nicola Jhumat, Assistant Director for KCW Urgent Care, is on the left; Marietta Khorramdel, Interim Service Manager/Urgent Care Deputy for Adult Inpatient Mental Services in KCW, is in the middle; Nuria De Miguel, Volunteer Service Manager, is second from the right; and far right is Bhagy Sridhar, Care Support CNWL Volunteer.