Posted on: 18 November 2021
The NHS North London Adult Eating Disorder Provider Collaborative, is looking for a bank of passionate individuals with lived experience (both patients/service users and carers/family members) to contribute their expertise in a number of areas.
The collaborative, which has responsibility for the commissioning and quality of specialist adult eating disorder services, is seeking individuals who will challenge thinking, make sure the collaborative is doing the very best for patients, and will work with them to make changes happen. You will work closely with clinical and management colleagues, and other individuals with lived experiences to shape what these services look like.
What will it involve?
They would like to recruit a team who can bring their experiences (and the experiences of others) to support the collaborative:
- In ‘practical’ work, which includes annual quality review visits of two wards
- In ‘strategic’ work, which includes setting the direction and making sure the collaborative is remaining focused
- In ‘partnership and delivery’ work, helping the collaborative make service improvements and link to non-specialist services, such as primary care and community services. This might include joining task and finish groups on specific topics, such as reviewing pre-admission processes, discharge processes, our training processes
The collaborative will provide full induction and training, support from the team, as well as a session fee.
Anyone interested is asked to complete an application form by 2 December.
Further information and the application form can be found here.
Want to have a chat about this opportunity? Please contact Tom Johnson ( or Rob Evans (