Posted on: 14 September 2023

The Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHTT) from Milton Keynes presented their success story at the "Shine a Light on Co-production" event hosted by NHS England on 15 August 2023. Their presentation, titled "Co-producing Improvements in Patient Flow: Our Success Story," highlighted the benefits of meaningful Expert-by-Experience (EbE) involvement in improvement work. The presentation was delivered by Claudette Wrake, the QI project lead, and Paul Jones, the EbE Representative.

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In their presentation, Claudette discussed how they recruited Paul locally to join their QI project team. She highlighted the inclusive nature of their QI project meetings, which genuinely incorporated Paul's perspective. She further underscored the importance of engaging EbE colleagues as equal partners in any improvement work.

The insight informed by Paul’s lived experience regarding the importance of maintaining consistent patient contact served as the foundation for the team’s lone working change idea. This change idea was then tested through three Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles showing measurable improvements in patient flow and care quality. The CRHTT team achieved a 36% improvement in lone working visits, while also showing improvements in staff workloads and resource utilisation.

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However, their collaboration was not without its share of challenges. Claudette and Paul candidly discussed the hurdles faced in fostering meaningful collaboration with service users as equal partners. This included concerted efforts required to navigate power dynamics and create an environment where all voices are heard. Despite the challenges, the CRHTT team's experience showcased a compelling success story in co-producing improvements within a health service. This inspired attendees to approach co-production with determination and patience.

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