Posted on: 22 November 2024

World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day (COPD) is marked to raise awareness, share knowledge, and discuss ways to reduce the burden of COPD worldwide.

This year’s theme, “Know Your Lung Function,” served as the foundation for raising awareness and engaging with the community.

The team hosted stands at two locations: The Dominion Centre in Southall and Ealing Hospital. Both venues drew patients, clinical staff, and members of the public who were eager to learn about COPD management and the services provided by the Pulmonary Rehabilitation team.

One patient shared that speaking with the team was extremely helpful, sparking their interest in joining the Pulmonary Rehabilitation programme. They planned to speak to their GP for a referral. Another attendee spoke about the value of the programme and how it previously helped them better manage their symptoms and expressing their desire to rejoin.

Team members engaged with the acute respiratory ward staff at Ealing Hospital to raise awareness about COPD and the importance of pulmonary rehabilitation.

The event supported by volunteers from Asthma and Lung UK support group, Ealing Smoke Free Service and Ealing Hospital Respiratory Nurses.

A heartfelt thank you to all members of the Ealing Pulmonary Rehabilitation team for their hard work and dedication in organising such a meaningful and impactful event.