Posted on: 23 December 2020
We are pleased to announce we are working with Healthwatch Central West London to make sure our plans for mental health services in 2021 reflect the needs of the people we support.
The Voice Exchange is a group of citizens with direct experience of local mental health services that meets every month. We listen to the thoughts and experiences of this group and use their voices to inform our work.
The group meets every month (virtually or in person, depending on the circumstances) to discuss plans for mental health services in Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea.
Members of the group also visit mental health services in the area, meet with local people and organisations and listen to what the community thinks is needed.
We believe that by listening to the real experiences of real people we can better plan and deliver our services in the future. The Voice Exchange acts as an advisory group to help us to do this effectively.
For more information, visit this page.