Posted on: 5 February 2020
Our 0-19 Harrow Infant Feeding Team has featured as a case study in the newly published Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) best practice guides.
Julie Peris, Infant Feeding Lead, CNWL Harrow 0-19 Service and colleagues provided information on how they created health visiting Baby Friendly Champions and a Baby Friendly Culture.
The team is featured as case study number nine, click on this link to read.
iHV described the case study example as ‘demonstrating collaborative, effective and evidence driven work’ as key elements of the iHV Health Visiting in England: A Vision for the Future publication.
Based on this work, the team recently passed its Stage 3 reaccreditation assessment by the Baby Friendly Initiative.
Pamela Goldberg OBE, Chair Institute of Health Visiting thanked contributors.
“The case studies in this resource are just a small representation of the great work that health visitors are doing throughout the country – they showcase high quality care in a number of different settings, demonstrating the “art of the possible”.