Posted on: 23 September 2024

On Monday 2 September 2024, an art showcase was held in West House in Harrow to display the power of art, creativity and connection through building community in our local areas.

The art group started in January 2024, and gathered every Friday leading up to the showcase. It wasn’t exclusive to those who were naturally gifted at art, but everyone that had an interest in it. A key objective of the art group was to help revamp services in our CNWL services in Harrow. The aim was to make the environment have more of a therapeutic feel and less of a clinical one. By doing so, it would give them a visually appealing appearance and attract others to explore them. Moreover, it helped to build a weekly safe space for the service users and ultimately a community.

Borough Lead Occupational Therapist for Harrow, Lilly Mandal, mentioned how the art group aligns with general wellbeing. “The art contributes positively to wellbeing by addressing the five ways of wellbeing: connecting, being active, take notice, learning and giving”. Through this group, service users have been able to connect with likeminded individuals like themselves and build a group where they can express themselves without feeling judged. The art group has also become an outlet where the service users have been able to express themselves freely. One service user said that going to the art group “has been more effective than going to counselling”.

Steve Ford, CEO of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, was in attendance. He said: 'It was a great event that demonstrated powerfully how occupational therapy impacts on people's lives. It was moving to listen to the service users' stories of how participating in this activity, or occupation, had been so positive. Congratulations to Lilly and the team for leading this service”.

Sabrina Phillips, Managing Director at CNWL NHS Foundation Trust, commended the work of the art group. “Thank you to all those who took part organising the event and to the artists for their beautiful and moving artwork. I was privileged to be told by the artists of their motivation for their art work and the positive impact that it had on their mental health in taking part in the group. I am committed to doing all I can to ensure this work carries on in Harrow and other boroughs in Jameson.

The Mayor of Harrow, Councillor Salim Chowdhury, also came to the art showcase to meet the group and show his support and appreciation for the group’s efforts. In his speech to the group, he highlighted the positive work they had done and showered praises onto them. “In a world where mental health is often stigmatized or overlooked, the Occupational Therapist team here in Harrow have stood out as a beacon of hope and support for individuals facing mental health challenges. Their commitment to providing high-quality care ensures that residents of Harrow have access to the resources and support they need to thrive. Well done to every one in the art group for producing great work – they are impressive and really inspiring”.

Well done to the art group for their brilliant work and also to Lilly Mandal and her team for organising the event.