Posted on: 18 June 2020

Geoff Chan, one of our Child Wellbeing Practitioners (CWP) is allocated to Bishopshalt Secondary School. We've received some feedback on his time maintaining feedback with the school during Covid-19 lockdown.  



For the past two academic years Bishopshalt School has had exceptional CWPs working with our students.  There is no doubt in my mind that without this intervention, many more pupils would have been coming onto my register of Special Educational Needs with significant, long-term mental health difficulties (impacting on learning) and many may have required referral to Tier three services.  Being able to “nip it in the bud” and offer a self-help CBT programme to adolescents has been a godsend.  We are often told by parents that their GP has referred them to the school for early help and having an exceptional programme to offer has been crucial.  We know that many young people prefer not to be seen by a teacher for out of class mental health support (as they look different to peers and understand there is “only so much we can do”) but like being seen within the school environment if the appointment is confidential.  Many pupils are able to help themselves but need a qualified individual to help them to challenge their thought patterns.  The level of liaison between CWPs and ourselves as staff has been first class, with professionals able to work together to safeguard pupils and consider next steps/more appropriate support in some cases.  I do hope this programme continues in the future.


AC (Head of Year):

I am incredibly impressed with the sessions offered by GC on behalf of CAHMS; it is very comforting for myself and the students to know that there are sessions which are accessible and quite readily available to students with low level mental health concerns. What I also find beneficial about the sessions is that should they not be suitable in relation to the needs of the child, that they offer us a way to raise the concern of a child and gather them further support. Students have shared with me that they feel the sessions are really useful, particularly as they focus on self-help strategies. At a time when our students are looking towards the next step, having these to cope with the prospect of transition is really important and supportive. G has always been very communicative with me about the students in my year group, and I find that his feedback often really helps me tailor my approach and intervention also. We have been incredibly fortunate to be able to help a number of students and I feel this has most definitely been one of the most impactful sets of sessions offered to us. 


Student Perspective, KM (Year 12): 

I really enjoyed the sessions with G, I felt comfortable to talk to him and was able to open up about things without feeling judged. In general, the techniques used I think were helpful, the only problem I found was that you really need the motivation to want to get better and have to actively practice the techniques, but that's what CBT is. After having quite a few sessions I felt more willing to try these techniques in my own time and G’s support really helped that. During this lockdown period, the zoom sessions were really helpful and helped me get back into a routine in order to complete my work as well as lift my mood. Overall I would say both the in person and online sessions were really helpful, I feel as though I have some more strategies to help my low moods and anxiety, and G himself was supportive and easy to talk to, I usually looked forward to my sessions.

Jackie Shaw, Service Director of CAMHS said: “This is fantastic feedback … People don’t always get CAMHS and the CWP role is a new one - really well done to Geoff!"