Posted on: 29 May 2024

When Teresa saw the role of an Employment Specialist advertised she was interested in a new career challenge. She shares her experience:

"I had a brief understanding of the position and saw it advertised on the staff intranet as I was already a CNWL staff member.

I’ve been working in mental health services for over 14 years and wanted a change. I researched on the website, watched videos from other Employment Specialists and read some of the success stories. I found myself talking about the role with friends and family and they gave me the confidence to take the leap and apply.

I had a lovely conversation with the team manager about the role and submitted an expression of interest, I was successful to interview and luck enough to start the post a couple months ago, in February.

I always want to help people, I want to be able to advocate for individuals and help them to achieve their goals, this role does all of this and so much more. No day is ever the same, it’s so varied and rewarding.”

About CNWL Employment Services

CNWL set up its Employment Services in 2004 and has since supported thousands of people into employment across various industries. The service works closely with individuals to match them with the job they want and help them retain work in the long term.