Posted on: 12 November 2020



CNWL held an online safety conversation day for staff today, hosted by Dr Cornelius Kelly, CNWL’s Chief Medical Officer, and Maria O’Brien, Chief Nurse. The day focused on a range of safety topics including the safe environment, safety tools and safe use of medicines and how safe care begins with happy and supported staff.

Over 400 staff joined the event online and staff submitted 170 posters to the safety awards with 21 winners and runners up (announced below).

The event opened with a talk on human factors from guest speaker Dr James Galloway from Kings College London.

Dr Galloway discussed the psychology of human behaviour and the importance of good team morale, he said “Increase rest periods at work and morale will improve …staff don’t want a checklist and often resent it.” Speakers throughout the day highlighted the importance of listening and tailoring your approach to the individual; supporting staff to have open and honest dialogue.

Charlotte Bailey, Director of People at CNWL said “ If staff don’t feel safe they can’t perform to their best. Staff must feel able to share their knowledge and their mistakes – in most places today people are holding back, reluctant to say something that may make them look bad. We want to hear from you.”

Carina Sheridan, the Trust’s Speak Up Guardian encouraged staff to come to her if something doesn’t feel right – “Excellent patient care flourishes in an open and honest environment.”

The afternoon focused on prevention and how to create a safe environment for patients and staff. The event highlighted the countless quality improvement projects taking place in the Trust – some of those projects won awards on the day and all of the entries will be shared on this site in the next few days

The award winners and runner ups for the poster entries are below and we also announced an extra award for the Park Royal Trainees who presented a poster on monitoring physical health. 



Runners Up

1: Covid Safety

Empowering patients to keep moving through Covid-19 - H O'Regan, A Serafim, C Smyth

Communicating while wearing a face mask - J Mackenzie


The impact of introducing a “SuperNova 0-19 Team” to minimise disruption due to redeployment - G Botha, W Purdom

1: Non-Covid Safety

Increased dietetic input into the older person's assessment service (TOPAS) - Katy Savage

Care cascades at the frontline: Real life Hepatitis C testing outcomes from a central London primary care homeless service - Y Shin, HM Wong et al


Nile Ward PICU violence reduction QI project - C Taylor et al

2: Co-Production

Asking Westminster service users about how they were supported during the covid lockdown - T Harper, J Hinksman, A Fletcher, P Perkins, A Wragg

MK triangle of care working group - N Ranautta, S Oldroyd


Getting through lockdown: a residents’ guide to managing your mental health during Covid-19 - R Casey, C Pitfield

3: QI Project

Improving efficiency of referral to treatment (RTT) for Harrow CAMHS - S Dhingra, B Murray et al

Our falls prevention journey at 3 Beatrice Place - S Bakare, M Kalusi, T Jesusa, S Mahera


Routine domestic abuse (DA) screening in people living with HIV (PLWH) - N Ahmed, M Longman, et al

4: Use of Technology

Development of a medicines dashboard on SystemOne for mental health services - Y Dawda, R Miller

The morning call: replacing weekly MDT with a daily call – and more - A Bohl-Gorny


Developing an online service to improve access to oral contraception safely - J Doshi, C Wilkinson, J Power, S Edwards

5: Safer Use of Medicine

Improvement of medicines management at HMP Woodhill - L Fletcher, M Pitarch, I Levin


Medication is a factor in unplanned readmissions - Y Dawda, N Ezewuzie


Pharmacy community transformation project in Westminster - S Onyeomah, S Mahalingam, F Pestano et al

6: Supporting and Involving Staff

To improve staff morale and well-being of staff over a period of 6 weeks via group coaching programme using the five ways to wellbeing across the addiction directorate - R Seetharamdoo, et al

Balint Group - S Musgrave, D Clarke-Payton


SECURE STAIRS at HMYOI Cookham Wood: creating psychological safety during lockdown - C Sadie


7. Best Medical Trainee

Improving physical health form completion on a general inpatient adult ward – Pine Ward, Park Royal Centre for Mental Health - B Wong, A Vekaria

