Posted on: 1 March 2022

Ann Sheridan, Managing Director of CNWL’s Jameson Division, which covers mental health services in K&C, Westminster, Brent, and Harrow, said:

“Welcome to our new Borough Director, Saru Mutema! She has an impressive record and strives to make the whole patient and staff experience positive, focusing on outcomes that are rewarding, challenging and exciting. I am very pleased that Saru is actually replacing me as the Borough Director and she will do so really well. Congratulations Saru!”

Saru is a mental health nurse by background, training at Thames Valley University and did her placements at CNWL, completed in 2003.

She has a wealth of operational, clinical and management experience across different settings and organisations including Private healthcare.

She says: “I am in my early forties, originally from Zimbabwe and have family there who I visit often. And I have three children aged 24, 17 and my youngest is 8 years old. My weekend is a mixture of taking the youngest for activities like swimming, football, but also with house chores and cooking. I really enjoy making a variety of dishes and follow YouTube recipes.

“In my current role as Associate Service Director I have operational and strategic leadership responsibility for all urgent and acute care across the London mental health services footprint in CNWL, working in collaboration across the different Divisions in CNWL.

“As the Borough Director I pledge my commitment to improving the lives of patients and their families, ensuring better health and well-being for everyone. I am really looking forward to this new role.”