Posted on: 13 January 2025

This week (Tuesday 14 January) CNWL’s Sexual Health Services are supporting National Sexually Transmitted Infections Day (STIQ). It’s an opportunity to get people thinking about their sexual health and encourage more people to get regular sexual health checks.

It takes place early in January because many common STIs such as Chlamydia can take two weeks to be detectable. If your festive season included unprotected sex then you should be thinking about getting tested now. Also with just one month to go before Valentine’s Day anyone hoping to enjoy the celebrations to the full should do so knowing that they are infection free. Test and know your sexual health, and protect your partners from an STI.

No one likes the idea of having to deal with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The best way to protect ourselves against catching sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is by using condoms and testing regularly.

CNWL offer free and confidential sexual health services in London and Surrey. We are reminding residents in London and Surrey to get tested regularly and know their status. The service offers online testing kits that can be sent to the comfort of your own home quickly.

Visit our Sexual health website or Sexual health London to order a kit.

If you live in Surrey 

See the Surrey Sexual Health Team. There are two types of kits available for use at home that you can order online from them. One for over 18s (this includes a test for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis) and a chlamydia and Gonorrhoea test for under 25s.  

If you live in London

You can order a home testing kit online or visit a clinic for a Quick Check up.

If you need to see a clinician because you have symptoms or are a contact of a sexually transmitted infection, please visit for more information on booking an appointment in one of our sexual health clinics in London and Surrey. 

Often getting routinely tested is the only way that people can detect an infection – and the earlier they are tested and treated, the less chance there is of long-term complication. For example 70% of women and 50% of men show no symptoms whatsoever after contracting Chlamydia.  Chlamydia is the most common STI condition in the UK.  Left untreated it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility.

Getting a sexual health check is easy and shouldn’t be embarrassing or shameful; sex is a normal part of our adult life, and STIs can be a part of it, so we encourage everybody to test regularly and be in control of their sexual health. It’s a quick, simple process that not only puts your mind at rest but could protect you from more serious complications like infertility. Protect your sex life – and protect your partner.

Make the most of STIQ Day and start your New Year by getting yourself tested.