Posted on: 11 March 2021

Charlotte Bailey, CNWL’s Director of Organisational Development and People said,

“The survey is an opportunity for staff to tell us how they are feeling about working at CNWL and for us to listen and hear what they say; there have been improvements and there is some work to do. Thanks to all who responded. We hear you.”

This year showed an improvement for scores in seven of the survey’s ten themes: Health & wellbeing; Morale; Quality of Care; Bullying & harassment; Safety culture; Staff engagement; Team working.  

When compared to the average for our benchmark group this year CNWL is above average for two themes: Quality of care and Safety culture, average for three themes: Violence; Staff engagement and Team working and below average for the other five themes.

Listening to what staff have said we will be giving particular focus around the themes of Equality Diversity and Inclusion, Bullying & Harassment, Health & Wellbeing and the development of immediate managers.”

See the full results on this website.