Posted on: 24 December 2021

Are you thinking about coming back to the therapy profession?

If your answer is yes, read on to see feedback from a returnee who successfully returned to practice at CNWL after a 10-year career break.

How easy was the journey?

“I initially found the thought of returning to practice after a ten-year career break extremely daunting. But in getting started, I found the information provided by the Health Education England Return to Practice programme and the support by CNWL really helpful. Once I began, I found combining work, home and study much less difficult than I thought I would, and am so glad that I made the decision to return to occupational therapy.”

Tell us about the support you received?

“I was so pleased to be offered a supervised practice placement within community paediatrics at CNWL. My supervisor and the whole of the occupational therapy team were so encouraging and supportive of my return to practice journey, taking time to share their knowledge and expertise and providing me with copious opportunities to learn new skills and refresh old ones.”

If you’re interested in returning to therapy practice, you can be assured of maximal support through your journey.