Posted on: 17 October 2024

NHS North West London, supported by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, ran a consultation from October 2023 to February 2024, on the future of acute mental health services in Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea following the temporary closure of the inpatient wards at the Gordon Hospital. There was significant engagement in the consultation with over 700 individual responses.

The responses from the consultation period helped identify a number of areas where further work was needed that would help continue to develop the case and proposed model of care to ensure it is meeting the needs of the local population. This work has all informed the Decision Making Business Case (DMBC) which will be presented to NHS North West London Board for a final decision.

To ensure all information has been sufficiently considered there has been a decision that the DMBC will be taken to NHS North West London Board on Wednesday 22 January 2025 where a final decision will be made. This is a public meeting and interested parties are invited to watch the meeting to see the discussion, a link will be available here closer to the time.

We also anticipate at least two more public meetings of the North West London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to discuss the case before any changes are implemented. One will discuss the DMBC before it goes to NHS North West London for decision and the second will review the decision made at the meeting in January 2025. These meetings are both open to the public and more information about dates and how to join can be found here.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this engagement process and for your patience while a fully considered decision is reached to best meet the needs of the local community.