Posted on: 17 January 2022

On Saturday 17 January a team of CNWL staff ran Covid vaccination clinics in Camden’s bridging hotels for the Afghan families who are living in two hotels under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy. We vaccinated almost 100 people in total, including 35 12 to 17 year olds.

The CNWL team were adult and children’s nurses, diabetes podiatrists, administrators, pharmacists, pharmacy assistants and even recruitment colleagues all working together to provide Covid vaccinations in a calm and safe manner to the families. The team was supported by four interpreters, who have been working in the bridging hotels for many months and know the families.

Vaccinating afghan families 4.jpg Vaccinating afghan families 3.jpg

Pat Stephens, Children’s Immunisation Lead commented how fabulously helpful the interpreters had been throughout the day.

Sarah Hulme, Head of CYP and Family Services joined for the afternoon session and was bowled over by the hard work and camaraderie of the team.

‘’It was heart-warming to see the group of staff working together so closely and in such a professional manner to support the families who presented. Meeting and talking to the families was a truly humbling experience and they were without exception patient, engaging and calm. It was a pleasure to meet so many young people at the start of their new lives here; many were playful and excited telling me about their new school and what the liked best. One or two were very anxious, but were well supported by the children’s nurses to have their vaccinations . I feel very proud to have played a part in delivering this effort and would like to thank all the staff who participated’’ 

Kemi Ologbon-Ori and Jackie Box were fundamental to the success of the day, as were our LanguageLine partners Alidad, Nasrin, Mohammad and Mr Assadi.

Pictured are 13 year old twins Rema and Karima, with interpreter Nasrin (used with permission) and the team of vaccinators and support staff.

Vaccinating Afghan families.jpg Kemi - vaccinating afghan families.jpg 

We will be going back again in coming weeks to offer another day of vaccinations.