Posted on: 6 November 2023

Jane-Lewry.pngCNWL Health and Justice services have launched a new clinical leadership career pathway project for registered nurses, nursing associates, healthcare support workers and student nurses.

The career pathway project will be introduced in 2024 to support nurses, health care workers, nursing associates, student nurses to progress in their career into senior leadership roles, as well as addressing barriers in recruiting and retaining the nursing workforce.


Jane Lewry, who previously worked at NHS England Health and Justice National Team, joins CNWL to lead the project across several sites.

Jane says: “My role as Lead Nurse Health and Justice, Clinical Leadership Career Pathways is to support our nurses to maximise their potential, value and nurture their unique skills and knowledge and enable them to progress into senior clinical leadership roles.

Having an effective clinical leadership career pathway and development opportunities and more advanced clinical and leadership roles will help to attract nurses to our services and encourage them to stay and progress. It will help to improve the effective and efficient delivery of our services and ultimately improve outcomes for our patients; including help to address heath inequalities and improve the quality and safety of the care delivered to those accessing healthcare within our health and justice services.”

The career pathway project will be co-designed with our colleagues to facilitate nurses to maximise their potential to start working in clinical leadership level roles. We will be working with universities, Health Education England/NHS England and the NHS Leadership Academy, CNWL Education team, Human Resources and CNWL career coaches to support this project.

This project will cover all areas of nursing practice and will include:

  • newly qualified nurses
  • nurses already working within health and justice services
  • nurses new to this area of healthcare
  • student nurses also considering a career in health and justice services
  • health care support workers
  • nursing associates

This new career pathway project presents an exciting opportunity for all nursing staff to explore opportunities for career progression, advanced clinical practice and independent nurse prescribing which is outlined in the NHS England 2023 workforce priorities.

If you would like to find out more about this project or to get involved in the co-design of the pathway, please contact Jane Lewry, Lead Nurse Clinical Leadership Career Pathways at